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Subject: why discrimination?
before gc's were introduced to dw, packages were only available with real $$ and the only way for non-spenders to get a package was through the sales rep with someone willing to spend on them.

now there is no sales rep and gc's can be bought with real cash, market or by winning them from hilo or if your city wins or whatever else there is.

do remember that this is a free game to play and not all packages will be available with gc's. some will be just for spenders but if u are patient enough " as i do believe ultra's were available with gc's before" a package for ultra's or whatever else will pop-up again. just not all the time and not as frequent as the ones for cash only.

free game to play but still a spenders game and if every package were available with gc's than why would the big spenders spend any real $$ again. all they have to do is buy it in the market to get packages.

what happens when things are not getting anymore income???

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Time Posted: July 23 2011 06:56 am EDT
Last updated: July 23 2011 10:43 pm EDT


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