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Status: Emperor

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Subject: pp tycho ;)

Merfolk vs. Tycho
Acolyte vs. "Regnant Wizard"
1. Merfolk attempts to pick Tychos pocket! 362815 gold stolen! [100044 left]
2. Merfolk attempts to pick Tychos pocket! 344674 gold stolen! [100044 left]
3. Tycho knocks Merfolk to the floor and grabs his wallet! 14641 damage inflicted. Nothing was stolen. [19479 left]
4. Merfolk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Merfolk's rage is building. 800 damage was ripped from Tycho. Merfolk also gained 41 agility. [99244 left]
5. Merfolk throws a net at Tycho. Tycho is trapped!
6. Merfolk throws a net at Tycho. Tycho is already trapped!
7. Tycho can't move!
8. Merfolk throws a net at Tycho. Tycho is already trapped!
9. Merfolk throws a net at Tycho. Tycho is already trapped!
10. Tycho can't move!
11. Merfolk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Merfolk's rage is building. 728 damage was ripped from Tycho. Merfolk also gained 135 agility. [98516 left]
12. Merfolk throws a net at Tycho. Tycho is already trapped!
13. Tycho cuts through the net and breaks free!
14. Merfolk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Merfolk unleashed the rage of triangulum. [DEAD]

Merfolk is the winner!
Merfolk has gained 971 EXP and 654882 gold, plus 707489 gold which was stolen during the fight.

Time Posted: June 19 2010 07:46 am EDT
Last updated: June 20 2010 06:42 am EDT


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