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Subject: if going to be politcal then be political...
Corporations based in western civilization (like from US, Canada, England, etc) are legally considered individual people. Also by law they must make the most money possible for the share holders. This means that they have to cut corners BY LAW if it is legal to do so and will generate higher profits. This means that if you want to bring up the big bad corporations cutting corners then you should first look at the international, federal, and state laws that not only allow for them to do so, but actually require them too.

It is the same with sweat shops etc, the legal structure forced corporations to branch out to other areas of the world and because our laws allow for international factories and because the laws allow the harsh working conditions that they exist. So if you want things to change, dont go on and on about the corporations cause that wont do anything at all. Contacting your legislative representitves and try to get the laws changed is the only route that could even seem effective. Granted you could argue that the corporations have the politicians in their pockets, but again that is the fault of the politicians for allowing the scenario to occur, not the fact that the corporations take advantage of it.

That being said, I do agree that the restrictions should be stricter and if the laws where more to the point then these "accidents" wouldnt be happening as very few legit corporations would risk losing profits cause its Board of Directors, CEO, CFO, and other senior management members are in jail. So, to sumarize, the cornor cutting is the law's fault, not the corporations. If the laws are stricter then the corporations follow them and as such problems like this recent spill are avoided.

Time Posted: May 21 2010 07:39 pm EDT
Last updated: May 22 2010 11:51 am EDT


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