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Posts: 1,051
Status: Duke

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Subject: Finally i get to vent
1. Game orientation sucks.... have a program set up to explain the DO's and DON'Ts of the game, general rules, section off into single players or couples/group that a couple/group joining your game to rule your world doesnt end up trading or giving items and be jailed for being misinformed, ruins chances of helper applications, sets a totally differnt image of the real person being jailed, and also affects them in other games too in terms of game help.

2. on the front game page or somewhere on your main page show the warrior class options available, with serfs and skills, this would help some who join and then say damn i should have been an archer, get it ? Misinformed ??? kinda, maybe, yeah, i hate my class could have been harry potter over here, atleast i stayed, not going to play much but guess why some done come back,,

3. minor adjustments to chat quiz jousting cbr, pay off reset after months end so that if i am awake to collect my winnings and feel boosted to want to start right after i can..i play on my time not your damn time after you wake up and kiss your dog and change the more thing..whats up with the purchase 1 dont gain 1 energy for how many clicks it takes to complete a slated 100 wood or someting and get it over with already...and outpost..why not train multiple units huh! stronger outposts faster forcing improvment from others all the time more fun instead of 1 soul a day maybe 2 ..its a patience game yes, dont kill it, hows about a merchants garb for the damn outpost then?? i would buy 1

and 1 last last thing....if your rules say you send a warning letter or atleast find out before you jail a dude..send the damn letter, minor things to work on ur first impression and basics of the game...honestly i wont spend a cent on this game because it failed me the first 2 times i was jailed, misinformed again, my fault for not wanting to be perfect game pros like all those who may disagree and do berlock and reading the forums, but atleast its a game i messed up on..sad part its yours...nice game you have going here..not all people are the same, \m/

Time Posted: May 16 2011 08:14 pm EDT
Last updated: May 16 2011 08:14 pm EDT

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